Cisco ACI L4-L7 Service-Graph One-Arm mode PBR with Fortinet Firewall
I just launched my first youtube video where I configure and deploy a Cisco ACI Service graph with Policy Based Redirect. I’m using the VMM domain integration, and I’m redirecting the flows between two VMs (client and server) from two different EPGs into a Fortinet VM64 Firewall.
Please comment the video if you have any question, but first, go put a like on the video ;)
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Bonjour Benoit,
Je tiens à vous remercier pour les efforts que vous faites pour nous expliquer les nouvelles technologies réseaux surtout la partie ACI
Encore merci, c’est très intuitif et bien présenté bravo
Bonne continuation !
Hello. Your video has been very useful for me. Thank you. Best regards.