[Cheat Sheet] ACI – Fabric Access Policies
The second part of these Cheat Sheets series develops the relationship between the Access Policies and the EPGs of ACI.
The first look at this "Fabric" tab of the APIC can be confusing and it's normal, there is a multitude of objects to take care of, from the VLAN Pool to the Leaf interface profile, this cheat sheet will help you to better understand the big picture.
I included a step by step to help you configure your first access port and vPC.
The file is available here: ACI 02 - Fabric Access Read more [...]

VMworld 2019 | Final thoughts
A few days after the VMworld 2019, I'm trying to take a higher look at this event after the information storm. Read more [...]

[Cheat Sheet] ACI – The basics
It's been a while since I blogged!
These days I would like to share more regarding the technologies I'm working on, and ACI is one of those, so here is the first of a series of Cheat Sheets, starting with the basics.
The file can be downloaded directly here.
Let me know if it's useful for you, and which part of ACI would be interesting to develop here. Read more [...]

[HowTo] Simuler un WAN avec un Raspberry
L'objectif de cet article est de présenter la création d'un bridge afin de faire fonctionner le Raspberry PI comme un simple câble et d'agir sur le comportement des paquets qui entrent et sortent grâce à Netem. Cela afin de simuler des pertes de paquets, de la latence...etc. Read more [...]